Trauma is currency for the weak. The “victim” is quick to validate their poor behavior through the cinematic art of projection
The victim seeks to validate
even while they create
the very experience they hate
The chu-ching of their current-$ee hitting your register sounds like blame
Their victimhood administers external shame
Like a syringe, they drip, drip, drip. Because being a victim today is hip
Like a rock star, they scream from a stage in this social media age:
Validate me!
Like me!
See me!
I do nothing but look cute, so love me.
They have nothing of value to say. Nothing of value to contribute. So they roam like little shadow humans living without purpose,
While they promote
A false reality
No true identity
And they believe everything
Because they’re empty shells of… Nothing.
Worthlessness feels like hopelessness.
It looks like your life’s a mess
But no one is holding you under duress.
No one else is responsible for your unhappiness
But being a victim today is hip. And turning every negative experience you have into a trauma is the shit. So go ahead and get it.
It is very comforting to see that others are suffering from the same problem as you, wow!
Itís nearly impossible to find well-informed people for this topic, but you sound like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks
Itís nearly impossible to find well-informed people for this topic, but you sound like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks