Coward: one who lacks courage. A person controlled by fear or timidity.
We are all trained cowards by example of our flaccidity.
Being politically correct is promoted by our society.
Flaccidity: a flabby softness. An example of our strength.
Facebook crybabies outraged by silly memes,
“I feel violated- this feels like rape!”
God forbid if you have an independent thought in your head.
You will be attacked for anything that you believe in.
Coward: a person who fears things that are different.
A coward seeks to destroy anyone or anything that creates dissent.
A simple difference of opinion creates belligerence for the childish.
Coward: a person who hides behind lies to prevent exposure to a painful reality.
Over 900,000 children are being kidnapped, some to be tortured and raped yearly.
Coward: a person who is afraid of losing their life of luxury
so they would rather destroy the planet to live easily.
Coward: a person afraid of death so much that they fail to live a life of real meaning.
Instead, they plug into a fantasy world of compulsive entertainment to avoid reality.
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TRUTH!!!! Fantastic moment of reality.