Cultural appropriation cannot exist in a cult that SUPPOSEDLY promotes diversity.
You sound like a zombie.
You’re ignorantly choking on irony.
Drowning in your egotistical hypocrisy.
But you think you’re woke so excuse me…
For pointing out the stupidity of your racism…
acceptable in the face of lable-ism …
Where you have to promote some is-ism
To justify your lack you critical thinking
You’re sinking
In the stinking
The festering lies of mental illness
You hold us under duress
Of your cancel cult …
Ture of
You’re empty.
Which is why you stay busy attacking.
You’re nothing…
So you make up these labels to feel something.
But you’re nothing.
Just an echo of mass programming.
Your voice is the echo of defeat.
You’re the voice of a sick society…
That’s why you’re marketing your delusions so heavily.
You’re nothing.
So you lie to pretend you’re everything.
The entitlement is heavy and the weight of your lies will break you eventually.